3 minute sex game to better understand your partner

3 minute sex game to better understand your partner

Hi, if you are one of those who find it difficult to directly tell your partner what you want (or you just don’t know it yet), then a simple three-minute game in bed will help both you and your partner. And yes, it is very simple and effective.

Rules of the game


Ask each other two simple questions:
1. “How do you want me to touch you for three minutes?”
2. “How do you want to touch me for three minutes?”

This simple and clear structure of the exercise, although it seems primitive, will actually help you make many discoveries about your own sexuality.

This game is based on mutual desire, trust and the intention to establish interaction.


How to play the three-minute game?

I do not recommend starting this game with genital touching, and I do not recommend starting sex this way, because sexual touching does not equal direct influence. Start by allowing the other person to invite you to touch him, and give exactly what he asks: no more, no less. If you realize that you don't like what you asked for, just say "no" or "stop."


Role Change

Change roles and make discoveries. But if you feel that you are uncomfortable with this game or you don't like the proposal made by your vis-à-vis, there is nothing wrong with stopping, telling each other what went wrong and changing the rules. This is not an Olympic sport, and the rules are set by the two of you.


Why play this?

First of all, to provoke a dialogue. We often take sex for granted, as something that works according to the same scenario. And we are reluctant to change the rules. But there are no rules in sex, as long as each of the actors likes it.

Maybe in these three minutes you will learn more about yourself, your partner and sexuality than you expect, change, undress 🙌🏻